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- Andre Cason
Sprinter - Jasper Track
Field 1989 - Cason
vs - Big 10 Track and Field Championships
1989 - Carl Lewis
Sprinter - JohnL
Cason - Recent Photos
of Carl Lewis - Tac Track
and Field - Ben Johnson Canadian
Sprinter - 1988 100-Meter
Final - Steve Williams
Track and Field - Ben Johnson Sprinter
Today - Ben Johnson
Athlete - Ben Johnson
Rome 1987 - Ben Johnson 100M
Olympic - Ben Johnson Sprinter
1988 - Maurice Greene
Sprinter - Michael Johnson
Track and Field - Hammer Track
and Field - 1998 USA Track and Field
Championships - Sprinting
Carl Lewis - Santa Fe Movie Randolph
Scott - Oscar Pistorius
in Olympics - Carl Lewis
1986 - Ben Johnson
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