Log in to your account - Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
Personal giving From one-off donations to long-term giving, or designing your personal philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions. Corporate giving You have the vision for making a difference. So …
Together, we give more | Charities Aid Foundation
Personal giving From one-off donations to long-term giving, or designing your personal philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions. Corporate giving You have the vision for making a difference. So …
Bank accounts for charities | CAF Bank - Charities Aid Foundation …
This product is provided by CAF Bank Ltd. CAF Bank Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register number: 204451).
4 Section 1 Services available CAF Bank online uses dual authorisation for most payments, to help keep your account secure. This means that an authorised user will set up the payment
Online banking for charities - Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
Everyday banking Online banking for charities . Our secure online banking lets you manage your account in a way that suits you – whether you fit your finances in around other tasks, or work on them 9-5.
How does Gift Aid work | CAF
Personal giving From one-off donations to long-term giving, or designing your personal philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions. Corporate giving You have the vision for making a difference. So …
CAF American Donor Fund Login and Access
Personal giving From one-off donations to long-term giving, or designing your personal philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions. Corporate giving You have the vision for making a difference. So …
Help centre | CAF Bank
Please contact our Customer Service team straight away on 03000 123 456 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm, except English bank holidays). Outside of these hours, please leave a message including your name, organisation, telephone number and brief details and we will return your call on the next business day.
Help and support with online banking | CAF Bank
You’ll receive an email to notify you when there is a message in your CAF Bank Online secure mailbox. As the message is sent to all the online banking users on your account, you may find that a request or instruction has already been processed when you access ‘Your messages’.
Help and support with managing your account | CAF Bank
As an administrator, you can add and remove users. - Log in to CAF Bank Online and select 'Manage users' link on the left hand side of the screen. - To add users, select 'Add new user' and follow the steps on screen. - To remove users, choose the user you want to …