Cultures and religions in the Seleucid Empire | History Forum
Jun 13, 2012 · The Seleucid Empire was an incredibly broad one and the processes at work in it weren't half as clear (nor are they half as understood) as those that happened in the …
Analysis of the Seleucid Military - History Forum
Feb 11, 2013 · The Seleucid Empire would have had control over the Eastern Mediterranean as well as a huge military force. The combined forces at Raphia totaled 150,000, which was …
Best and Worst Seleucid rulers | History Forum
Feb 16, 2013 · The best Seleucid king was Antiochus III. Before he ascended to power the Seleucid empire wa at a low ebb, with many of the states declaring independence. During his …
Seleucid Empire | History Forum
Sep 17, 2016 · Seleucid Empire The Seleucid Empire was the largest and most diverse of the successor states to Alexander’s Macedonian Empire. It was able to field a large and powerful …
Best and Worst Seleucid rulers | Page 2 | History Forum
Feb 16, 2013 · of any other province in the Seleucid empire. The only thing that we know of his career in the period between the defeat of Molon and re-conquest of Asia Minor in 214 is that …
Alexander the Great lives: And his empire gets invaded by …
May 4, 2015 · Well Chandragupta Maurya did not invade Seleucid Empire, Seleucus attacked first by crossing Indus. Chandragupta had 600,000 to 700,000 infantry, 30,000 cavalry, 8000 …
seleucid empire good documentary needed - History Forum
Dec 30, 2009 · documentary empire needed seleucid B. Blookiev123. Joined Nov 2009. 16 Posts | 0+ Discussion Starter . Dec ...
Why was Alexander the Great so successful against the Persians?
Jan 7, 2016 · Rather, the peoples of the Persian empire saw the writing on the wall and decided to accept rule by Alexander instead of the Achaemenids. This ultimately resulted in the …
What happend to the Seleucid empire? - History Forum
Aug 29, 2006 · Rome fell into fighting with the Seleucid king, Antiochus, after harbored the fugitive General Hannibal Barca and he later attempted to attack Rome's ally the Ptolemaic Kingdom …
What was the most powerful empire during the ancient world
Oct 4, 2011 · I would guess that's a good estimate for the population of the Mauryan Empire at it's peak, nearly the same peak population of the Seleucid Empire, 25 million. On the other hand …