Lockheed Martin X-33 - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin X-33 was a proposed uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane that was developed for a period in the 1990s. The X-33 was a …
X-33/VentureStar – What really happened - NASASpaceFlight.com
Jan 4, 2006 · Taking shape at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility, the X-33 was intended to be a 1/3 scale prototype of a fully-operational RLV (Reusable Launch Vehicle) called the …
Lockheed Martin X-33 - NASA
Feb 17, 2016 · The X-33, a half-scale vehicle, was expected to feature a lifting-body shape, a new "aerospike" rocket engine, and a rugged metallic thermal protection system. NASA selected …
X-33 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
NASA-sponsored suborbital unmanned prototype for a single-stage-to-orbit rocketplane. The Lockheed Martin vehicle would have used a linear aerospike engine, metallic insulation, and …
Aircraft Museum - X-33 - Aerospaceweb.org
Sep 26, 2009 · The most significant project under the umbrella of the Space Launch Initiative (SLI) was the Lockheed Martin X-33 announced in 1996. The ultimate goal of the X-33 was to …
Skunk Works' X-33 and VentureStar - SpaceflightHistories
May 3, 2023 · Lockheed Martin's X-33 was a technology demonstrator of the VentureStar orbital spaceplane funded by NASA in the 1990s. Part of the Space Launch Initiative, the X-33's …
The X-33: Nothing ventured, nothing gained – The High Frontier
Oct 6, 2015 · Lockheed Martin’s proposal presented the most challenging approach. They took a flattened triangular lifting body fuselage and combined this with revolutionary Linear Aerospike …
X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator - NASA
Feb 28, 2014 · It awarded a contract to Lockheed Martin to build and fly an uncrewed technology demonstrator. Much of the vehicle was entirely new, including the linear aerospace rocket …
Lockheed Martin X-33 - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Lockheed Martin X-33 je bilo brezpilotno orbitalno letalo v pomanjšanem merilu za predlagan projekt ponovno uporabljivega izstrelitvenega sistema (RLV) in enostopenjskega plovila SSTO …
X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator - Armstrong Flight …
On July 2, 1996, NASA selected Lockheed Martin to design, build, and fly the X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator test vehicle. The X-33, a half-scale vehicle, was to feature a lifting …
X-33 Venture Star Advanced Technology Demonstrator - NASA
Jul 26, 2023 · This is an artist's conception of the proposed NASA/Lockheed Martin Single-Stage-To-Orbit (SSTO) Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) docking with the International... A radio …
Lockheed Martin and NASA will base the decision to proceed with developing the Venture Star, in part, on the results of the X-33 Program. NASA would potentially be one of Lockheed Martin’s …
Lockheed Martin X-33 - Wikipedia
L'X-33 era uno spazioplano sperimentale NASA progettato e costruito (solo un prototipo) per sostituire la flotta degli Space Shuttle con navette spaziali di nuova generazione.
Lockheed Martin X-33 - Wikiwand
The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle.
Lockheed Martin X-33 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Lockheed Martin X-33 was an unmanned, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government-funded Space Launch …
X-33 - globalsecurity.org.globalsecurity.org
The Lockheed Martin X-33 design was based on a lifting bodyshape with two revolutionary linear aerospike rocket engines and a rugged metallic thermal protection system.
X-33 - Single Stage to Orbit - AeroSpaceGuide.net
Jul 8, 2021 · X-33 was the sub-scale prototype version of the Single Stage to Orbit Venture Star. It was wedge shaped X-33. It was developed jointly between NASA and Lockheed Martin Skunk …
X-33 Venture Star - Gunter's Space Page
Oct 17, 2023 · X-33 was an attempt to create a testbed for a future reusable launch vehicle. It was Initiated by NASA in 1994. Three concepts and preliminary designs were prepared …
X-33 - NASA
Feb 1, 2014 · The X-33 was to have been a wedged-shaped subscale technology demonstrator prototype of a potential future Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) that Lockheed Martin dubbed …
Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, under a cooperative agreement with NASA, will build and fly the X-33, a half-scale prototype of a rocket-based, single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO), reusable launch …