The Hamburg Township Library was founded in 1966. It first operated from a corner in the township office building. When the old lumber yard office building was purchased and moved onto land donated by the Les Belcher family, the library moved in.
FamilySearch resources help millions of people around the world discover their heritage and connect with family members. Affiliate libraries (such as Hamburg Library) grant patrons access to over 2 billions digitized records, including approximately 400 million images that are currently not available to the public outside the affiliate library.
We have many online services available through the library which can be accessed 24/7 from the comfort of your own home or wherever you choose. Click below to begin.
The library takes book donations twice a year usually two to three weeks before our large booksales. Signs will be posted around the library when it's time to bring in your donations. The library will accept books, movies and music during stated book donation times.
Hamburg Township Library 10411 Merrill Rd. Hamburg, MI 48169 810-231-1771. Library Board of Trustees Meeting. August 20, 2024 Minutes . This regular meeting of the Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Hocking at 7:00pm in the Patricia Waters Community Room.
Hamburg Library now has a variety of take-home kits containing materials to enhance your child’s early learning: numbers, letters, shapes, colors, phonics, early skills and more. Kits are for checkout only, not for in-library use.
Township has selected Weatherseal in Utica, MI to replace the roof in August and the Library will need to be closed 1-2 days. New Business: Computer network upgrades for Windows 11 are needed.
Materials at the library can be checked out for three weeks at a time. This includes movies, music, magazines, books and audiobooks. There is a late fee of $0.05/per item/per day for print materials and $0.25/per item/per day for movies, music and audiobooks.