To apply for admission to this master's degree programme, you must have completed, or expect to complete, a qualifying bachelor’s degree or a similar Danish or international degree programme which is ...
Globalization has fundamentally changed living conditions worldwide, significantly impacting regions within the Global South. While massive economic growth in emerging markets and other economies has ...
Find your master's on UCPH - filter the programmes by your areas of interest and taught language.
Find the number of applicants and other numbers for the Master's degree programmes at UCPH In 2024, the University of Copenhagen admitted 5,566 new students to master's programs. In total, there were ...
As a Master in Danish you specialize in communication and mediation, media, literature, language or Danish as a second language - you decide the direction. This programme is only taught in Danish.
The master's programme in Asia Studies is for people who want to master Hindi, Japanese, Chinese or Korean and have insight into historical, cultural, political and societal issues in your chosen ...
To apply for admission to this master's degree programme, you must have completed, or expect to complete, a qualifying bachelor’s degree or a similar Danish or international degree programme which is ...
What specialisations does the field of study offer? During the training you will be challenged to analyse problems and develop sustainable solutions from a holistic perspective that pays regard to ...
If you are fascinated by organic chemistry and the design and synthesis of new drug substances, then the programme might be of interest to you. It is an excellent springboard to a research-based ...
Payment can only be made in DKK and only through the webshop. You need to pay the application fee before you send your application(s) to the University. You have to upload your receipt of payment ...
Sustainable use of the planet’s environmental resources is a global challenge. As an MSc in Environment and Development you work with the solutions to this, with a particular focus on lower income ...
På bacheloruddannelsen i økonomi lærer du at analysere komplicerede problemstillinger inden for stort set alle aspekter af samfundet. Vi lægger vægt på fagområderne matematik, økonomi, økonometri og ...