Armenia will host the Eurovision Young Musicians 2026 competition, showcasing the finest classical artists in the 12 to 21 ...
With the tremendous growth of the Eurovision Song Contest as an event and brand, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has appointed broadcast events leader Martin Green in a new role as Director ...
To promote more civic dialogue and exchanges of diverse ideas in our digital world, ZDF and ARD are open-sourcing their Streaming OS technology and working to create better spaces for the digital ...
Scams using the likeness of reputable media outlets and journalists are increasing, particularly through AI-generated content on social media platforms. Our Senior Policy Adviser Thomas Bergmann tells ...
The Legal and Policy Assembly gathers Members that work in legal or policy areas. It governs the advocacy work that the EBU does towards, primarily, the EU Institutions. Topics include funding, online ...
En période électorale, il est essentiel que les médias soient indépendants et dignes de confiance. L'accès à des médias de qualité permet aux citoyens d'entendre des opinions diverses, de prendre des ...
Les escroqueries utilisant l'image de médias et de journalistes réputés se multiplient, notamment via des contenus générés par l'IA sur les plateformes de médias sociaux. Ces escroqueries utilisent à ...
The meeting will take place in the morning of 5 December (9:00 – 12:00) and we will focus on the topic of “responding to efficiencies”. As usual, during our in-person meetings, we will take a ...