Are the amaretti biscuits in the chocolate amaretti cake the soft or hard ones? Thank you ...
Our cake this week is a great autumn cake, and it ticks so many boxes.
I usually make Delia’s traditional Christmas pudding but now have a Gaggenau steam oven so would I cook @ 100C with 100% humidity for the same time or less?
Good morning I am cooking, 15th year now, Delias Christmas Pudding, it’s the best recipe still to date! However I’m using the Masterclass carbon steel steamer. Will this still require an 8 hour steam ...
Hi, Why are steamed xmas puddings now covered with foil, rather than using a cotton cloth? Why does the foil and paper have to be changed after steaming. My mother used to cover the basin with ...
As a guide we ‘feed’ an 8 inch cake with 2 - 3 teaspoons about 6 times so between 60 and 100mls in all. I would plan for the last ‘feed’ on the day that you decorate the cake.
Hello again Lindsey. You gave me excellent advice re the proposed dinner following Mike's internment. It looks like I will also have to provide lunch (for 5) on the same day. Could you suggest a ...
Hello Lindsey. What’s the best time to make the Creole Christmas cake please? I’ve decided to take the plunge this year! Thanks, Tricia.
I have just watched the video on Seville Orange Marmalade, here in Spain. At the end of the video it mentions the Seville oranges from Spain and the recipe from the UK. My problem is finding Seville ...