A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.
Marsh admits that a Christian servant striving to please both his church and his parachurch ministry employer faces “a ...
“The Bible provides no chapter-and-verse that directly tells us what to believe about technology. Nonetheless, as we’ll find, the theological concepts that undergird it are woven throughout the ...
“25% say people in the United States have mostly negative views of men who are ‘manly or masculine’ … . But among Republican men, 45% do think people have negative views of masculine men” - Pew ...
“It’s not like the Episcopalians only give money at high rates. They also score near the top on putting up a political sign and working for a candidate. One type of political activity is highly ...
“social media, newsletters, podcasts, YouTube, and more have given consumers the ability to curate their information sources to their exact ideological preferences. And yet, many people report lower ...
Antichrist will rise rapidly then experience a sudden and spectacular crash (“time, times, and half a time,” Dan 7:25 ).
Since OT narrative details reference everything from clothing to cooking, tools, weapons, vehicles (carts, chariots), and so ...
“politicians have to navigate many competing values among their constituents which means at best we will only get some of what we want. How do we reconcile this with making choices about who we ...
“words in isolation communicate a general broad concept (a semantic range)…. But when that word is placed in a context— voila! —that broad concept suddenly has been narrowed down by the context into a ...
“The identity of the seminary official who ordered the report destroyed has not been made public. However, Terri Stovall, the seminary’s dean of women, has come forward as the person who wrote the ...
“empower the people around you to be respectful, but honest. You’ll never discover your blind spots if you’re surrounded by ‘yes’ men or women.” - Phil Cooke ...