Several Chin commanders have reportedly been killed in the fighting as the regime steps up its efforts to defend the capital, ...
Vice-Sen-Gen Soe Win, the deputy chair of the military council, ordered expedited basic training for civilians while on an ...
Anti-regime forces say they still hold a key town in Ngazun Township despite a massive show of force by Myanmar’s military ...
Junta chief Sen-Gen Min Aung Hlaing (right) receives a visit from Chinese foreign affairs minister Wang Yi in Naypyitaw in ...
After five days of fighting, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and its allies took over a junta-allied Border Guard Force ...
The brutal murders come weeks after resistance forces wiped out an entire column of regime soldiers in a single deadly attack late last month ...
Forever Group has been forced to cut more than two-thirds of its staff due to its ongoing financial difficulties, sources said ...
The Rakhine ethnic armed organisation’s enforcement of border laws signals its de facto authority in parts of Rakhine State after capturing territory from the Myanmar military ...
Pro-democracy research group Freedom House downgraded its assessment of internet freedom in Myanmar—the first country they have scored on par with China in a decade—due in part to the military regime’ ...
Russian language lessons are available to staff in select junta-controlled ministries as the military regime continues to ...
While the military has previously relied mostly on airstrikes and artillery, junta troops have launched a series of ...
The squads of regime personnel and Pyu Saw Htee militia members manning traffic checkpoints have gained a reputation for ...