Catch up on your top entertainment headlines of the week, adding exciting commentary from entertainment journalists and voices from your faves. Catch up on your top entertainment headlines of the week ...
As jy ernstig daaroor is om God se wil te vervul, moet jy vasberadenheid hê. Een definisie van vasberadenheid is om 'n dispuut deur ‘n gesaghebbende besluit of uitspraak te besleg. Kom ons pas dit op ...
“Nou, watter van hierdie drie sou jy sê, was ‘n naaste vir die man wat deur rowers aangeval is?..” Lukas 10:36 NLV Watter tipe buurman is jy? Jesus vertel die verhaal van die Joodse reisiger wat op ...
“Ek jaag wenpaal toe, na die hemelse prys wat God aan my wil gee omdat Christus Jesus dit vir my verdien het.” Filippense 3:14 NLV Steek die lyn oor (1) In sy boek, Cross The Line, skryf Sam Parker ...
Dr. Ray Legodi talks to Pastor Karabo Moraka and Pastor Sam Kabamba about Hidden Practices Of Idolatry and they are looking at how to identify idolatry amongst us and hidden manners of idolatry ...
The past decade has been a challenging one for domestic South African businesses. From slowing economic growth made worse by COVID-19 lockdowns, infrastructure challenges and high food inflation in ...
Kieran Witthuhn of Anchor discusses Boeing's challenges and potential opportunities amid strong demand. Redefine CEO Andrew König reviews results indicating a recovery in the local property sector.