Presence,” written by David Koepp (“Kimi”), is a ghost story with a novel idea: The camera is the ghost. The audience sinks inside the POV of a silent figure prowling around a two-story suburban home.
By confining the camera perspective to the viewpoint of its unseen ghost, director Steven Soderbergh scores with a crafty ...
Steven Soderbergh’s Presence is being marketed as a horror movie, but there’s one thing audiences should know before they ...
The entire film is shot entirely from the ghost's point of view, the audience haunting a family that has recently moved into ...
Steven Soderbergh’s new chiller takes place in one of the most troubled of all movie locations: an outwardly normal family ...
They’re selling “Presence” as a horror movie when it’s something else entirely: a ghost story as told from the point of view ...
Presence” — 2 stars In Steven Soderbergh’s gimmicky, unscary ghost story “Presence,” we the audience become the supernatural ...
Julia Fox is tossing her proverbial hat in the ring to join the cast of Bravo's Real Housewives of New York City .
Presence is a more delicate and nuanced haunted house movie that takes a more elevated route to horror as opposed to more ...
Directed by Steven Soderbergh. Starring Lucy Liu, Julia Fox, Chris Sullivan, Callina Liang, Lucas Papaelias, West Mulholland, Eddy Maday, Daniel Danielson, Benny Elledge, and Natalie Woolams-Torres.
The story of the parents and children, as depicted by director Steven Soderbergh, is so interesting, it would work well even ...
The camera is the ghost in Steven Soderbergh’s chillingly effective, experiential haunted house drama “Presence.” The ...