Another Frozen Dead Guy Days has come and gone, with thousands of visitors flocking to Estes Park for the three-day ...
Jimmy Kimmel trolled Elon Musk during his March 19 monologue for trying to “drum up sympathy” amid a wave of Tesla owners ...
Cold and rain were no match for the brave participants who took a dip in the Special Olympics Bear Force One on March 20 at ...
CONESUS — Daring divers are in demand for the return of a chilly Conesus Lake tradition. Area Rotary clubs plan to host a ...
I take deep breaths through an intense round of pins and needles until I start to go numb. This isn’t so bad, I laugh. After ...
Headlands Beach State Park ranked third on a list of 100 places to jump in cold water during late winter or early spring.
A polar plunge is scheduled for March 29, from 3 to 5 p.m., at Lake Monticello to raise money for Team for Kids. “I decided to do a polar plunge because I always have thought they were fun, and I ...
Atlas Ocean Voyages, the leader in yacht expedition cruising, announces Polar Expeditions by Atlas to Antarctica beginning ...
Chartiers Valley High School students and staff participated in a Polar Plunge event on March 14 to benefit Special Olympics ...
Nearly two months after approximately 175 brave souls plunged into the frigid waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the fruits of ...
A little mist and the temperature bumping up to near 50 degrees took a little of the challenge out of the Special Olympics ...
Story Highlights • A group of Tustin-area residents tries to get to Center Lake every week to wade into the water. • The group visits the lake year-round, even in ...