In this new installment of the popular 'Kanchana' series, actress Pooja Hegde has been signed as one of the lead heroines.
where he shared the screen space with the popular Tamil actor Raghava Lawrence. Aside from acting, he also dabbled in movie subtitling as a secondary gig.
Raghava Lawrence's Muni and Kanchana franchises are known for popularising the horror comedy genre. Here's what we know about ...
All films were box office successes, further popularizing the comedy-horror genre in Tamil cinema ... Raghava Lawrence and Kovai Sarala are the only actors to appear in every installment of ...
Raghava Lawrence, a versatile figure in the Indian film industry as an actor, producer, choreographer, and director, is all set to return to his directorial roots with Kanchana 4. Known for his ...