The manual transmission isn’t dead after all. The last few years have actually seen an increase in the take rate of manuals ...
The VSA light is an incredibly useful diagnostic tool for the Honda Accord, but it doesn't provide a lot of information. Here ...
For 30 years now, the North American Car, Truck and Utility Vehicle of the Year (NACTOY) Awards honor excellence in ...
That said, the 2019 Honda Civic is still a very reliable car, according to car review company Edmunds. The 2019 Civic has an 8.4 or “Great” rating on the site, with a 4.5 out of 5 reliability rating.
After revealing a pair of radical concepts that are set to arrive in production form nearly unchanged at this year's Consumer ...
Honda Civic Type R is a beast in its own right, but a competitor or two could give you more bang for your buck.