SANNE Bast may be Dutch by birth, but the many years she’s spent on the high seas, sailing from one destination to the next ...
At a conference in 1963, I was 10 years old drawing animals on napkins with the most famous public intellectual in America.
A museum in Limburg has decided not to return five ornamental human skulls taken by missionaries from Papua New Guinea after ...
The country's plan to clear rainforests half the size of Switzerland for sugarcane plantations would make it one of the world's largest legalised deforestation undertakings.
ASIATODAY.ID, JAYAPURA - As many as one thousand cruise ship tourists from Europe, Noordam, will visit tourist destinations ...
But live to tell the tale of the voyage they did: the intrepid pair made it to Dili, Timor-Leste; then Merauke in what was Dutch New Guinea, where they stayed and worked to replenish funds ...
Note FIRST only. A single sheet from the 1:1 250 000 aeronautical map series covering the northwestern part of the island of New Guinea (Dutch New Guinea, now the Indonesian province of Papua).
Shin agreed to take charge of Indonesia in December 2019. It signified a real coup given his credentials, having led his ...
VICTORIA Falls, Zimbabwe’s prime tourist destination, received a star-studded festive season boost as South African rugby ...
Roughly 130 rescue cats reside at the cat sanctuary Purradise Springs in Fort White, Fla. When not cohabitating in the Purrts ...