The latest victim of this was Nicola Coughlan's Joy, who appeared in the recent Moffat-penned Christmas special Joy to the ...
7. The Snowmen - 2012 The eighth special in the modern Doctor Who era gave fans their second glance at new companion Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) although, just to confuse the issue, she was ...
Companion Clara encounters Santa himself (played by Nick Frost) before she and the Doctor end up at a North Pole research station where scientists are fighting off face-sucking alien crabs who ...
is curiously resurrected and put off by the old Doctor's sexist ways! Amid the mischief of colliding Doctors, this episode bids a fond farewell to Capaldi and his companions, including Clara ...
The final episode of the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith), it sees him and companion Clara (Jenna Coleman) land on the planet Trenzalore, where they discover a message coming from the Time Lords ...
Matt Smith as The Doctor in 2011's The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe. The episode is considered one of the worst ...
The Doctor can pop in and see her whenever he likes! Considering the terrible events that separated previous Doctors from beloved companions like Rose, the Ponds and Clara, a companion choosing to ...
Doctor Who, of course, has history with both: Clara Oswald arrived ‘early’ before getting official companion status, while Peter Capaldi showed up in ‘The Fires of Pompeii’ as Lucius ...
Raised by her robot guardian, Clara is a young orphan girl who believed ... She’s an adventurous scientist eager to meet many more companions on her journey through the cosmos.