YouTuber Mark Rober drove a Tesla Model Y on Autopilot at a fake road wall and extreme rain and fog to test it against a ...
Mark Rober wanted to know if Tesla’s self-driving car could be deceived in the most cartoonish way possible. The former NASA ...
After Mark Rober's video on Tesla vs. a LIDAR car, somebody tries to replicate the test on FSD instead of Autopilot, as Rober ...
“It turns out my Tesla is less Road Runner, more Wile E. Coyote,” Rober says as he inspects the damage on the front hood. The ...
In his recent YouTube video, Mark Rober’s Tesla Model Y crashed through a Wile E. Coyote-style wall after its Autopilot ...
Mark Rober's video showing that Tesla's Vision-only systems can't detect a painted wall stirred controversies, so a Tesla fan ...
But a new video from YouTuber and engineer Mark Rober is a good illustration of the weaknesses of this approach. On his ...
YouTuber compares a LiDar-equipped Lexus with a Tesla’s camera-based assistance tech to see which demolishes fewer dummies ...
Safety researchers claim Elon Musk’s auto company has a long history of potentially misleading stats. Now it looks like DOGE ...
At the risk of spoiling the video for you, the Tesla leaves a cartoonishly large hole in the wall after Autopilot plows right ...
Like something straight out of a Road Runner cartoon, Tesla autopilot drove a Model Y head-on, full-blast into a wall with a ...
It seems that not only is Tesla's more advanced semi-autonomous system better than Autopilot, but some FSDs are more equal ...