The chilling story follows DCI Jeanette Kilburn (Eve Myles), as she investigates the grisly killings of several teenage boys - and naturally, we were hoping for all loose ends to be neatly tied up by ...
Kelly's talent is evident from the complexity she imbues Sophia with in this gripping crime thriller which sees her team up ...
The 2025 movie awards season is in full swing but figuring out where to watch everything can be overwhelming. Are they streaming? For free? In theaters? Only in Los Angeles and New York?
Given a significant backlash over the past few years against what conservatives have called excesses of “wokeness” promoted by progressives fighting against various forms of discrimination, it ...
Based on Colson Whitehead's novel of the same name about a racially segregated reform school in Jim Crow-era Florida, the film is a heartbreaking but beautifully made drama told in an incredibly ...
Along with Ashford and Quaid, Happy Face also stars James Wolk, Tamera Tomakili, Khiyla Aynne and Benjamin Mackey. The show ...
I truly do not want to give anything away here. Others have criticised The Crow Girl for having too many plot lines that don't all get wrapped up... but that is what season 2 is for? Weird thing to ...