The combined strengths of China and Europe can build a workforce that is well-prepared for the future and capable of driving economic growth. The highly anticipated China-Europe Talent Forum 2024 ...
China-Europe exchanges are of great significance not just for China and Europe, but also for the entire world as well. This October, the China-Europe Talent Forum will convene its sixth session in ...
While China trim the sails to meet temporary economic headwinds head-on by unveiling a package of incremental policies, some Western countries must realize anti-China measures like increased tariffs ...
The start of the Long March of the Central Red Army. After five offensives by the Kuomintang and a leftist policy that had severely sapped Communist strength, the Central Committee of the Communist ...
福布斯中国发布了2024中国ESG 50榜单及ESG启发案例,三一集团位于印尼的“灯塔工厂”凭借卓越的ESG实践而获此殊荣。这一荣誉旨在表彰三一集团在全球范围内将数字化与低碳制造相结合方面所 ...
贺兰山下,黄河岸边,银川市灵武电厂两座灰白的间冷塔在阳光下显得高大耀眼。该电厂在金融贷款的支持下,积极探索清洁低碳转型的方式。 三闽大地,林深水美,独特的湿地环境让晋江成为 ...
近日,杭州国际博览中心(以下简称“杭博”)热闹非凡,桥下Chill划水局、莱福岛生活2.0的火热开演,不仅吸引了一大批时尚潮人和音乐发烧友,也让市民休闲遛娃多了一个好去处。 作为G20 ...
A concert is held to celebrate the 75th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China (PRC), in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 29, 2024. Chinese President Xi Jinping, other Party and state ...
藏医药的起源可以追溯到远古时代的西藏高原,是藏族人民在长期的生产和生活实践中,通过不断积累和完善而形成的具有完整理论体系、独特治疗方法和浓郁民族特色的医药学体系。藏医药学 ...