Analysis shared with Felix has revealed that Imperial College has a student per library seat ratio of 15.6, the second highest demand within the Russell Group. Imperial students are also more likely ...
Westminster Council is holding a consultation on changes to rent licenses until January 2025. The consultation is on proposals introducing a selected licensing scheme for landlords to improve the ...
Felix Newspaper announced its strict no artificial intelligence policy to protect the “integrity of journalism and its creatives” in a statement on Instagram last year. However, this week it has been ...
Union President Camille Boutrolle has appealed to students to “make some noise” and to lobby “personal tutors”, “halls wardens”, and “teachers” against proposed rent increases for student halls in a ...
Julia Gillard, Chair of the Wellcome Trust and former Prime Minister of Australia, delivered the Institute of Global Health Innovation’s Special Lecture in the Sir Alexander Fleming Building on ...
Why ideology increasingly determines the contents of our plates.