Death row inmate Robert Roberson, who faces the prospect of becoming the first person in the U.S. to be executed for a ...
An earlier subpoena ended up delaying Roberson's Oct. 17 execution, which was tied to a diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome.
Attorney General Ken Paxton sought to delay legal proceedings until Jan. 13 — the day before the committee disbands — even as ...
Lawmakers have said Robert Roberson's testimony would “shed important light on some of the problems with our ‘junk science ...
AUSTIN — The Texas Attorney General's Office has filed a motion to prevent death row inmate Robert Roberson from testifying ...
In the background, a long-running legal battle continues over the testimony of the condemned East Texas man, whom some ...
After the state thwarted a Texas House panel's first attempt to summon Roberson to the Capitol, a new legal battle could ...
Texas lawmakers who stopped the execution of Robert Roberson hoped to hear testimony from him on Friday. After a motion filed ...
Death row inmate Robert Roberson could testify at the state Capitol Friday. A House committee issued a subpoena to Roberson ...
A bipartisan group of Texas lawmakers have issued a new subpoena that would require the state’s prison system to allow death ...
Texas death row inmate Robert Roberson was subpoenaed to testify about the state's "junk science law" at a committee hearing ...
The new subpoena comes after lawmakers say Ken Paxton’s office stalled a previous effort to get Roberson’s legislative ...