Perry, the beloved real-life stand-in for the “Shrek” donkey voiced by Eddie Murphy, has died. He was 30. The donkey’s handlers announced his passing on Instagram, detailing that it was from an ...
The miniature donkey, named Perry, who helped inspire the character of Donkey in the beloved Shrek franchise has sadly died at the age of 30 and fans are devastated ...
Perry, the real-life donkey who inspired the animated character Donkey in the 2001 film Shrek, has passed away at the age of ...
Perry – short for Pericles – a miniature ... for animators working on the Oscar-winning 2001 comedy. Voiced by Eddie Murphy, the talkative Donkey served as the sidekick to Shrek (Mike Myers ...
It's a sad day in the animal acting world. Perry, the donkey who served as a model for Donkey, the character voiced by Eddie Murphy in the Shrek films, has died. He was 30. Perry's death was ...
The donkey that inspired Eddie Murphy's iconic character in Shrek has died at the age of 30. Perry, a miniature donkey, had been a star attraction at Bol Park in Palo Alto - in northwestern ...
A real-life donkey who served as the animation model for the character Donkey in the “Shrek” franchise died on Thursday at the age of 30 at his home in California. Pericles, affectionately ...
The donkey that inspired Eddie Murphy's iconic character in the Shrek franchise has died aged 30. Named Perry, the miniature donkey was born in 1994 but died after battling a hoof disease called ...
Perry the donkey died at the age of 30 after ... for animators working on the Oscar-winning 2001 comedy. Voiced by Eddie Murphy, the talkative Donkey served as the sidekick to Shrek (Mike Meyers ...