On January 25, SI Shailendra Singh and his team traced the location of the accused at Chhatarpur. The police team was at Pachwara toll plaza when it spotted the accused in a car and gave them a chase.
A four-year-old girl was fatally run over by a reversing pickup van on Wednesday morning while on her way to the doctor with her mother ...
A 40-year-old woman was arrested in Worli for allegedly kidnapping a 3-year-old girl lured with chocolates; police rescued the child after a search.
The Mumbai police have submitted a report to the state home department, stating that they have found “criminal misconduct” on ...
Akash Kanojia was detained from Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak Terminus-Kolkata Shalimar Jnaneswari Express at Chhattisgarh's Durg ...