The bill would prohibit men from having sex or masturbating unless they intend to fertilize an embryo, with a couple exceptions.
Bradford Blackmon, D-Canton ... "You have male dominated legislatures in Mississippi and all over the country that pass laws that dictate what a woman can and cannot do with her body," Blackmon ...
Democratic state Sen. Bradford Blackmon says he's proposing the bill as a political jab at Republicans who support banning some forms of contraception.
A Mississippi state senator has ignited a nationwide conversation with his introduction of the “Contraception Begins at Erection Act.” State Sen. Bradford Blackmon, a first-term Democrat ...
State Senator Bradford Blackmon's bill would make it "unlawful" for someone to ejaculate without "the intent to fertilize an embryo." ...
Mississippi Senator Bradford Blackmon is raising eyebrows—and apparently some tempers—with his audaciously named “Contraception Begins at Erection Act,” which aims to make masturbation ...
Mississippi Senator Bradford Blackmon introduced the Contraception Begins at Erection Act. The legislation would make it unlawful for a person to "discharge genetic material without the intent to ...
cause he's getting death threats! MS Sen. Bradford Blackmon tells TMZ ... men from all over the globe are livid about his masturbation ban idea, and they're leaving him "vile" messages ...
Men could be fined an eye-watering amount if caught 'ejaculating without intent of conceiving baby' in a new bill.
The bill would ban unprotected sex without the intent of procreation. Sponsoring Sen. Bradford Blackmon, D-Canton, hopes to ...