ICE, immigration raids and Los Angeles house ransacked

Los Angeles Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez is calling on the city to create clearer protocols regarding its immigrant ...
Protesters took to the street while a Homeland Security raid took place in South LA Friday. While some were concerned it was ...
It remains unclear how many individuals were arrested in Sunday’s operation, but the scale of the enforcement effort suggests a significant number.
What appeared to be a series of federal law enforcement actions in the Los Angeles area had some local officials and immigrant-rights activists on edge Friday, again heightening fears of widespread ...
Clinic administrators describe anxiety about President Donald Trump’s move to allow immigration arrests inside health centers ...
Two of the four ringleaders of the human smuggling operation involving undocumented immigrants from Guatemala coming into the ...
Four people accused of smuggling about 20,000 undocumented immigrants from Guatemala to the United States, including seven ...
When liberals hear the phrase "mass migration," they seem to think of it as an opportunity to virtue signal about how ...