Discovered in the drainage area of a creek bed, the tusk was initially thought to be “just an old stump” Sarah Kuta Daily Correspondent Researchers carefuly wrapped the tusk in strips of ...
A hunter on a former 272,000-acre West Texas cattle ranch stumbled upon a fossilized mammoth tusk. The ranch manager was skeptical of the claim at first, thinking it was a stump, but brought the ...
A hunter looking for deer on a West Texas ranch instead discovered a rare mammoth tusk, researchers say. The tusk was sitting in the drainage area of a creek bed on the O2 Ranch in Brewster and ...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — A hunter recently stumbled across a rare mammoth tusk as he searched for deer at a private West Texas ranch, according to a release from Sul Ross State University’s Center for ...
A hunter on a former 272,000-acre West Texas cattle ranch stumbled upon a fossilized mammoth tusk. The ranch manager was skeptical of the claim at first, thinking it was a stump, but brought the ...
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has called on the European Union to confiscate the assets of the Russian Central Bank, which are frozen due to sanctions, to finance future financial support for ...
Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk says his government is working on a plan to prepare large-scale military training for every adult male in response to the changing security situation in ...
Windy and very dry weather causing extreme fire danger tomorrow (3/19 /25). Spring is in the air, and it's time to get ready for nicer weather with some exclusive Insider Deals. Researchers ...
Donald Tusk opublikował wymowny wpis, w którym skrytykował Mateusza Morawieckiego. Były premier udzielił poparcia George'owi Simonowi, skrajnie prawicowemu kandydatowi na prezydenta Rumunii.
Donald Tusk /Radek Pietruszka /PAP W czwartek wieczorem Tusk zabrał głos podczas debaty w Sejmie nad wnioskiem o wotum nieufności dla minister równości Katarzyny Kotuli. Podczas wystąpienia ...
Mateusz Morawiecki w Bukareszcie poparł George Simiona w wyborach na prezydenta Rumunii. Donald Tusk potraktował to jako okazję do ataku na polityka PiS. Próba ta spotkała się jednak z ...
WARSAW - Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk called on Thursday for enhanced air policing, stronger Baltic defences and reinforced European Union borders with Russia, citing growing security concerns.