Despite the problems the cold can cause for farmers, gardeners, and homeowners, a cold winter can be a welcome event from a pest management perspective.
She said one of the most common pests on both sides of the state is the soybean aphid. She said other common ones to watch ...
The federal government has not reimbursed K-State for about $1 million in expenses related to its work on global food ...
"We are working on growing kale that is also rich in selenium," he added. Selenium is believed to further boost the health ...
My 2024 soybean pest loss survey suggests that the average field ... This timing is too late to be of much benefit from an aphid control standpoint if aphids were to be over-abundant, which they weren ...
A Roundup Ready soybean variety with an aphid resistance trait would be the first of its kind in Canada if its registration clears as expected. Syngenta Seeds Canada on Wednesday announced it plans to ...
sorghum and soybeans. The lab was paying for about 275 students in very low-income countries to study agricultural techniques in their countries. This includes 120 undergraduate and 30 master's ...