‘Full Circle’ is a six-part miniseries created by Ed Solomon and directed by StevenSoderbergh. It centers on a botched kidnapping ... Created by Rolin Jones and Ron Fitzgerald, ‘Perry Mason’ is ...
A few years ago, there was a ghost in StevenSoderbergh’s Los Angeles home. One evening, while a friend was cat-sitting for the filmmaker and his wife Jules Asner, she saw someone — or ...
Neon has debuted a final official trailer for StevenSoderbergh's ghost story horror film Presence - following up the main official trailer released last fall. Ready to open in theaters in just a ...
StevenSoderbergh is a filmmaker who continues to innovate, as evidenced by his next film, Presence, an atmospheric horror set in a haunted house. “You have a presence here,” a woman says to a ...
Since taking a short break from filmmaking about a decade ago, StevenSoderbergh has churned out films at a rapid clip, often using certain creative constraints to dabble in cinematic ...