Rauch said religion has merged with political and cultural forces, and this politicization has contributed to both the ...
Even encountering African Christian communities, Europeans labeled local practices as heretical, justifying colonization and ...
With an estimated seven million Canadians doing yoga, there’s no question the practice is popular today. But why is it so popular? That was the question on the mind of Paul Bramadat, director of the ...
Last August, the school board voted to remove more than a dozen books mentioning the LGBTQ community, religious views, drug ...
Mount Union Professor Nicole Johnson's book gives 'Faithful Witness in a Fractured World," with focus on how we got where we ...
Will Narnia, Lord of the Rings, and other children’s Christian classics soon be relegated to museums due to the rise of the ...
James Keane's book Reading Culture Through Catholic Eyes highlights "50 Writers, Thinkers, and Firebrands" whose ...
Harold S. Kushner, an American rabbi, wrote a book with the title: When Bad Things Happen to Good People, which became a ...
Much like gender, the space between fantasy and sci-fi is a spectrum. While books like The Lord of the Rings and The ...
The exhibit is our first opportunity to really show what we're building in response to the deadliest antisemitic attack (in ...
Jesus was not a white European-looking man, God has no problem with interracial marriage, and Latter-day Saints should ...
Schumer’s security team began to track specific threats against him. They worried that the furor over the shutdown would ...