The enormous instrument — 28,750 pipes, 287 tons and snaked throughout the building — isn’t going anywhere. But Macy’s is, ...
If you haven’t experienced the pipe organ in the Brigham Young University Music Building yet, you’re in for a treat. With ...
The Europeans instruments have somehow survived multiple centuries, are now being heard at First Presbyterian Church off ...
The Fox Theater had one back in the ‘40s, as did many grandiose community playhouses of the era. Charlie Chaplin and Rudolph ...
The team at Saint John's University is working on their first project, a 30-foot-wide instrument with over 3,000 pipes.
The iconic organ is protected, but questions about its future remain as Macy's prepares to close its Center City Philadelphia ...
House Bill 1679 allows a patient’s next of kin to block their organs or tissues from being harvested for donation, even if ...
Tucked away in a brick building on Saint John's University's campus is a new organ building studio, where skilled builders are hard at work on a massive instrument. The Saint John's Abbey ...
T.J. Duffy, a regular performer of the noontime organ concerts for many years, said during Friday’s presentation that pipe ...
And the organ — its breath through 28,000 pipes — roars to life twice daily from Monday to Saturday. The instrument, initially part of the 1904 World Fair in Saint Louis, has rumbled sales ...