MAMOUDZOU: Two weeks after a devastating cyclone hit the French Indian Ocean archipelago of Mayotte, the atmosphere at Le Manguier school in the capital Mamoudzou is tinged with sadness and ...
Emergency workers raced on Monday to restore basic services to the French overseas territory of Mayotte, where hundreds or even thousands are feared dead from the most powerful cyclone to hit the ...
Zinedane Mohamed's family "lost everything" during in Cyclone Chido On the night Cyclone Chido hit the French Indian Ocean territory of Mayotte, Zinedine was in his home, a small house made of ...
If you're a family with babies or small children, if you have an existing medical condition or a disability, you should consider what you're going to need when putting a cyclone emergency kit ...
Tropical cyclones are dangerous storms that threaten lives, property and infrastructure. Our cyclone warning services help keep communities safe. For emergency assistance during a tropical cyclone, ...
After a tropical cyclone has occurred, tropical cyclone meteorologists reanalyse the cyclone data and compile what is known as the 'best track' and a report. in 2018 the Bureau of Meteorology ...
BLANTYRE-(MaraviPost)-The rehabilitation of the Gumulira-Liveya Bridge, a vital infrastructure connecting Chikuli and Mulemba wards in Mulanje South West Constituency, is set to cost over MK100 ...
There is no tropical storm activity for this region. Be prepared and learn helpful tips and information that will help you know what to do in the event of a storm-related emergency.