That brought Beyoncé's career total nominations to a whopping 99, making her the most nominated artist in Grammys history.
“My buddy, Jason Van Hoose, had mentioned we recently lost Maple Turner III, a great artist, and we were talking ... Nicole Emery, Michael Green, Jimmy Lepore Hagan, Lezlie J.
Fans think Dua Lipa and Callum Turner are more than good ... The "Dance the Night" artist continued, "I've had to find that again and you learn about your own non-negotiables." ...
Who would’ve thought that someone as talented as Michael Jackson would need to cover another artist’s song ... of the song —timeless. Tina Turner has a reputation for beautifully covering ...
Taylor’s great friend, Geelong team of the century winger and long term Falcons talent manager Michael Turner, had died after a lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer. Turner, who passed on ...
After its owner submitted the piece to an online appraisal service, auction house specialists realized it had been ...
“Indistinctness is my forte,” Turner once told a critic who complained about the fact that the artist’s landscapes were becoming increasingly foggy and vague. What others saw as a ...