a credit card might not be the smartest choice. If you have a good credit score, a line of credit could be worth considering. What is a line of credit, and how is it different from a credit card?
If your credit card application is denied, it's a good idea to take a break from card applications for at least a few months ...
When you open a new credit card account, most issuers will assign you a credit limit. This line of credit can be anywhere from $200 to tens of thousands of dollars, and in most cases, you can't ...
Debit card fraud protection exists but often comes with stricter time limits for reporting unauthorized purchases. The Bottom Line Both credit cards and debit cards serve different financial purposes.
Similar to a credit card, it provides revolving access to funds, meaning you can draw from the line, repay, and borrow again. For example, if the lender requires that you make monthly payments ...
Carrying credit card debt can be a big drain on household budgets. Consumer Investigator Rachel DePompa talks to NerdWallet about ways to address and pay down that debt.