These final resting places are noteworthy for their displays of devotion, over-the-top imagery, and/or their famous residents.
The story of the Soviet leader’s time in power, his policies against Jews, and his relationship with Israel and Zionism ...
This is the thirteenth part in a series about riding night trains across Europe and the Near East to Armenia—to spend time in ...
For many CPM state and national leaders, visiting England has become a 'dialectical pilgrimage' as they visit the tomb of Karl Marx and the British library frequented by Marx and Vladimir Lenin.
She was beautiful, fearsome, an English aristocrat, a communist spy, a loose woman, a middling novelist, a doting mother, an ...
On the occasion of the 142nd death anniversary of Karl Marx, as has happened each year since March 17,1883 when Frederick ...
Mistakes we must avoid What must we do as a matter of the greatest urgency to ensure that we do not repeat the succession of grave errors which have contributed ... Unfortunately, the ghosts of Marx ...