Colorado Democrat Jason Crow anticipates that the candidates he'll recruit to help the party retake the House majority in ...
The state Legislature has endorsed a bill that would raise royalty rates for new petroleum development on prime pieces of ...
It is imperative that we unseat this prospective dictator and prevent one of his clownish cronies from inheriting his throne.
It's incredible that so much talent could be in one family but Henry Fonda and children Jane and Peter suggest there's ...
Edmunds, a popular online automotive resource, says its data shows a “potential shift” in buyers’ feelings toward Tesla vehicles — based partly on a record-high number of Tesla trade-ins.
Edmunds, a popular online automotive resource, says its data shows a “potential shift” in buyers’ feelings toward Tesla ...
Sitting in a corner office he was still decorating, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology’s new president, Dr. Brian Tande, reflected on the question: Is this job a short-term or a long-term ...
Rachel Johnson advises a man who is affected by his ageing wife’s face and a woman who has a big problem with a new lover ...
KMA Sports is keeping a running list of the Class of 2025 and their college decisions. If you have any to add please e-mail ...
Spring has officially sprung in Northeast Georgia, and there are plenty of ways to get out and enjoy the start of the season.