The company’s top lobbyist in Israel resigned last year over alleged anti-Israel bias on the app, even as two Jewish ...
That includes raising awareness of abuse cases on the platform itself, like “Our Unique Family,” in which a Houston-area man posing as a Hasidic Jew paraded his nine adopted children ...
Zierler is one of dozens of teens for whom Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center, a Conservative synagogue in Pasadena, has been ...
O n a Wednesday morning in October 2014, in a garage in the woods of Pennsylvania, Tommy Trotta tried on some new jewelry: a ...
In her moving book Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust ... while the women removed threads from their ragged clothing for wicks, with a raw potato serving as a makeshift hanukkiah.
In her moving book Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust ... while the women removed threads from their ragged clothing for wicks, with a raw potato serving as a makeshift hanukkiah.
A New York judge strongly criticized the Hasidic students who were charged for digging a tunnel under the Chabad headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn ...
Since the fall of communism in 1989, Jewish pilgrims have been visiting Bodrogkeresztur, known as Kerestir in Yiddish, in April, timed to the death of Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner, a Hasidic rabbi known ...