1. Embrace daily denial of self: Evaluate your life and ask where you need to surrender personal desires in favor of ...
The Bible tells us after He created everything, God declared this world “very good” (Genesis 1:31). However, we know this is ...
Even secular people generally know something of the accounts of creation in Genesis 1-2. Whenever people hear the phrase, “In ...
As we approach the New Year with the warmth of the “Light of the Coming” before our God the Creator, and with the guidance of ...
A magic dwells in each beginning, protecting us, telling us how to live.” – from Stufen, by Hermann Hesse, 1877–1962 Time is ...
The life of a person, especially a Christian, becomes impossible to sustain in constant renewal and awakening if we fail to ...
All over the world, Christmas celebrations are coming to a close. The trees are being taken down, extended families are ...
Every new year holds promises and secrets. It promises to be different in some ways. We don’t know what those differences ...
Long ago, I adopted a quote from Zeno of Citium as my motto to live by: "The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.
We are tired of living on the edge We want to get our financial house in order in the New Year Can you give me a framework that my husband and I can rally around to finally get focused and make real ...
Our magnificent, life-giving Earth is a true holy land for all of us, writes guest columnist Jeff Vogel, a retired respiratory therapist in New York City who has been singing for peace and justice ...