Meski jadi negara termiskin, IMF memperkirakan peningkatan sebesar 27,2% dalam PDB Sudan Selatan pada tahun 2025.​ ...
Pasukan Angkatan Darat berhasil merebut istana setelah mengusir militan Pasukan Dukungan Cepat (RSF), kata sumber militer kepada Anadolu - Anadolu Ajansı ...
Jakarta, IDN Times - Tentara Sudan berhasil merebut kembali istana kepresidenan di Khartoum dari pasukan paramiliter Rapid ...
"Today, the flag has been raised, the palace has been reclaimed and the journey continues until victory is fully achieved," Khalid Al-Eisayir, Sudan's information minister, said in a statement on X.
Sudan’s military has recaptured the presidential palace in a brutal two-year conflict with a powerful paramilitary group that has left millions displaced and hungry, and an estimated 150,000 ...
In 1956, Britain and Egypt relinquished their colonial control over Sudan, forming the newly independent Republic of Sudan. After independence, internal divisions between the wealthier north and ...
For the first half of the twentieth century, Sudan was a joint protectorate of Egypt and the United Kingdom, known as the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium. Egypt and the United Kingdom signed a treaty ...
Sudan army says it has control of presidential palace in Khartoum The Sudanese army seized full control of the presidential palace in downtown Khartoum on Friday, it said in a statement, in what ... - Sejarah Fasisme muncul dan berkembang usai Perang Dunia I (1914-1918) atau 1920-an, kemudian jadi ideologi besar yang dianut beberapa negara. Lantas, apa itu Fasisme, sejarah kemunculan, ...
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