Here we are talking about the list of the Top 8 Poems By Rabindranath Tagore That Are A Must-Read, check out these amazing ...
ITANAGAR, 9 Mar: The 141st monthly literary sitting of the Arunachal Pradesh Literary Society (APLS) was held at its office ...
William Blake’s poetry and art come to Puducherry in this unique, theatrical marriage of spoken word and music ...
started the programme by singing Mukhopadhyay's "Aami Banglar Gaan Gaai" before poet Joy Goswami read out a poem called ‘Bangla' by the late poet Bhaskar Chakraborty. An emotional CM was seen ...
Many Indian writers have benefitted from the famed Iowa Writing Program, but recent funding cuts threaten to close this ...
A hauntingly nostalgic ode to youth, literature, and the sleepless nights that shaped a secret brotherhood bound by ink, coffee, and the restless pursuit of meaning ...
Their actions – murdering “informants,” forced recruitment and extortion for their cause – may be war crimes, Fortify Rights says.
I can't help but recall lines from a Bangla poem I wrote in my late twenties: "Remember Chandipur, Dharol, Ghasura, Jagdai, Kendua, Napitparaa, Rautara, Shyampura —those villages that rose in ...
The Mumbai Press Club is exhibiting powerful photographs that documented the riots and bomb blasts that rocked Mumbai in ...
Quite remarkably, while successfully celebrating literature and culture, the Kokrajhar Literature Festival also emphasized ...
Mr Speaker Sir, what did Bangalee intend to achieve? What rights did Bangalee want to possess? We do not need to discuss and ...
After having declared Prakrits to be classical, it is redundant to accord the status to the modern-day new Indic languages.