A man is in the Cochise County Jail after a standoff with Sierra Vista Police. Sierra Vista Police says a citizen reported a gunshot in the 500 Block of West Fry Boulevard. The SVPD says officers ...
The bus service provided by the John Boner Community Center became the target of an Indiana State Police investigation after a tip was sent to authorities and the #CallRafael for help tip line at ...
In a case of judicial overreach, the Ohio Supreme Court has issued a six-month fully stayed suspension to Portsmouth Municipal Court Judge Russell D. Kegley. The ruling ...
St. Tammany Parish SWAT and Fire Dept. are conducting training at the soon-to-be-demolished old Hollywood Theater.
The Rook was even used by the San Bernardino Police to take down Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the married couple who carried out the terrorist attack in 2015. It was designed by a man ...