“Back in Action” follows two former CIA spies whose secret identities are exposed, forcing them out of retirement to confront ...
Back in Action' contains a talented ensemble to carry out the spy story helmed by Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz.
"Back in Action" is Cameron Diaz's first film in over ten years. Unfortunately, her and Jamie Foxx's star power isn't enough ...
Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx star as former agents, now parents, who must protect their children. You can guess the rest.
But she's on-screen relatively briefly. And while it's good to see Diaz, an underappreciated actor, back in the movies, the ...
Director Seth Gordon discusses the possibility of there being a Back in Action 2 and what a sequel to his Netflix ...
Directed by Seth Gordon, Netflix’s ‘Back in Action’ follows the story of Matt and Emily, who appear as a normal couple on the ...