The Spectrum faithfully recreates the 80s original with its rubber keys and classic games, delighting older gamers, while ...
It runs on an Arduino Pro Mini, scanning the matrix of five columns ... available to anyone who doesn’t want to pay the £50 a new ZX Spectrum keyboard will cost. As far as the usability of ...
Vintage specialist Retro Games Ltd says it plans to release a full-sized Amiga 1200 but is being held up by legal issues.
ZX Spectrum users, however, had another option in the form of the Microdrive. This was a rather unusual continuous-loop mini-tape cartridge that could store around 100 kB and load it at lightning ...
The ZX Spectrum was a curiously British invention. At the time, Americans were designing computers as massive slabs of plastic, with chunky typewriter keyboards. Ancient Ataris, the Apple II and ...
Clive Sinclair's ZX Spectrum is a truly iconic bit of 80s ... the team behind this year's Atari 400 Mini. The Spectrum (as Retro Games is calling its new bit of old-school-inspired hardware ...
A full-sized modern remake of the classic 8-bit Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer created by ... likely to translate to $99 at US distributors. Retro mini consoles and home computers have been popular ...