Born in San Quentin, the Aryan Brotherhood is now a ruthless empire of murder, drugs, and power. How did a small prison gang become one of the most feared in the U.S.?
“We’re a blank spot on the map,” Andie Bond, one of two Jews in her Idaho town, says of how others there think about Jewish people. (JTA) — Andie Bond can almost see the one-time bastion ...
Where did the Aryan people come from? Were they from India? Hi Jen: The language of the so-called Aryans was an early form of Sanskrit that is preserved in the earliest hymns in the Rig Veda (c.
American Aryans recounts a 2008 investigation led by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives into an organized criminal group known as the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas. Operating inside ...
“A lot of people were getting a lot of money.” The Aryan Brotherhood collected a “tithe” from white criminals inside and out of prison, Eversole said. At North Kern, where Eversole said he ...
SIR ARTHUR KEITH'S Frazer lecture on “The Aryan Theory as it stands To-day”, which was delivered in the University of Glasgow on March 4, was lacking neither in courage nor in imagination.
Going by an old adage that said, ‘people fear what they can’t understand’, Aryan Khan is the perfect example of someone who frightens and excites people at the same time. This explains a lot ...
Thus, the Nazis wanted women to reproduce healthy Aryan children. The Nazis believed that the German people were descended from a 'perfect' Aryan race. 'Aryan people' had blond hair, white skin ...