1974. The Horned Altar of Beer-sheba. BA 37:2-6. Aharoni Y. 1975. Lachish V: Investigations at Lachish; The Sanctuary and the Residency (Tel Aviv University Institute of Archaeology Publications 4).
"The case of Lachish is the most interesting," Israel Finkelstein, a professor emeritus of archaeology at Tel Aviv University ...
The inscription found on an ivory comb unearthed in Tel Lachish, the second most important city in the Biblical Kingdom of Judah, provides evidence for the use of the alphabet some 3,700 years ago.
2004. The Pottery and Artefacts from the Level VI Temple in Area P. In D. Ussishkin. The Renewed Archaeological Excavations at Lachish (1973–1994) III (Tel Aviv University Institute of Archaeology ...