Consumption, phthisis, the white plague—a killer by any other name, tuberculosis (TB) has stalked humanity since at least the ...
Sixty (61%) developed AKI within two months of anti-TB treatment, including 11 (11%) with a prior history of rifampin exposure. Thirty (30%) had co-morbid chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal ...
Latent tuberculosis infection-positivity is common among patients with systemic vasculitis and is associated with BD and smoking history.
Baffuor Chronic kidney disease, which refers to the gradual loss of kidney function, has emerged as health concern globally, and Ghana is no exce ...
TB is a slow disease: it can take months ... to the very serious, like kidney damage, depression or hearing loss, making it extremely difficult for patients under treatment to attend school ...
Today, the disease — passed from those who are actively ... Medicines caused nausea, and sometimes permanent hearing loss and kidney damage. Today, the most severe cases of TB can be cured with an ...