Gun safety groups are celebrating the Supreme Court decision upholding a Biden administration firearm regulation on nearly ...
The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a Biden administration regulation on the nearly impossible-to-trace weapons called ...
A gun kit is a gun the same way an unassembled table is still a table, Justice Gorsuch says in delivering the majority ...
The U.S. Supreme Court confirmed Friday that just because a person in New York State only hires someone to commit murder ...
Justice Samuel Alito expressed interest in reconsidering a ruling issued by the Supreme Court over 20 years ago.
The Supreme Court declined to wade into the thorny First Amendment question surrounding the scope of the 1964 defamation ...
The Court declined to take up Trump donor Steve Wynn’s challenge to New York Times v. Sullivan, which could have upended ...
The appeal is part of a nascent effort by the Trump administration to press the Supreme Court to rein in district court ...