There may be few blooms now, but you can dream and plan for summer color and texture. There are flowers to sow in January ...
Sowing seeds, and growing your own plants from seed, is definitely one of the most enjoyable and rewarding tasks in gardening. As the temperatures start to rise in spring, so does the temptation ...
Disclaimer: Reference to products is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others which may have similar uses. Any person using products listed in these articles assumes full ...
Every year many of our garden plants set masses of ripe seed. Saving some of these offers an easy method of propagation and an ideal way of raising large numbers of plants, absolutely free.
Now being sold at the London Design Museum, Eco Seed was designed by a team of five students from Cambourne Village College in Cambridge. The product is a tool to aid propagation and was crafted by ...