A US Navy drone has carried out an overnight surveillance mission along Libya’s coastline, an Italian defence monitoring ...
The Kremlin is using vessels from its “ghost fleet” — hundreds of aging commercial ships with obscured ownership — to send ...
The MRCC shared another Italian phone number as a point of contact. At 9.34pm in an email seen by MEE, the Libyan Navy, with the Maltese navy, Eunavfor Med and the Italian Navy copied in ...
One of Libya’s most notorious people smugglers, who was also a senior officer in the country’s EU-funded coast guard, has been assassinated in a “mafia-style” ambush. Abdel-Rahman Milad ...
They packaged their decision as compassion for desperate refugees leaving Libya in unseaworthy boats along with policies to build up its coastguard and navy and to help police a UN arms embargo off ...
< path id="pathAttribute" d="M 8.917969 7.773438 L 367.417969 7.773438 L 367.417969 366.273438 L 8.917969 366.273438 Z M 8.917969 7.773438 " /> ...
The Council prolonged the mandate of EU CSDP military operation in the Mediterranean - EUNAVFOR MED IRINI - until 31 March 2027.
Al-Monitor is an award-winning media outlet covering the Middle East, valued for its independence, diversity and analysis. It is read widely by US, international and Middle East decision makers at the ...