"Beneath the foundation stone of the ILO's main office in Geneva lies a document on which is written: 'Si vis pacem, cole justitiam. If you desire peace, cultivate justice'." "Working earnestly ...
Appreciating Pakistan's longstanding commitment with ILO's mandate, Geir Thomas Tonstol said out of 190 labor labor standards Pakistan has ratified thirty six. He said we are currently doing our best ...
While the mandate and activities of both organizations appear to significantly ... Population and Development Review 9 (1983): 703–11; Roger Bohning, “The ILO and the New UN Convention on Migrant ...
POL/5: UK Statement for the Enhanced programme of development cooperation for the occupied Arab territories. Delivered at the 353th ILO Governing Body ...
THE International Labour Organisation (ILO) and Dial Honour Consultancy are set to assist start-up entrepreneurs in Bulawayo after hosting a training workshop in Zimbabwe’s second largest city.
Mandating Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contributions for foreign workers would help the government with record-keeping and ...
Given the IMF's mandate and own limited resources, the IMF draws in program design and monitoring on the expertise of other institutions, including the World Bank, the UNDP, the ILO, other UN agencies ...